Innovative bowl design holds same capacity as soup spoon but has same scooping capabilities as a teaspoon
Promotes good hygiene - enclosed design protects cutlery from contaminants
Reduces inventory usage by up to 25 percent - utensils are dispensed one at a time
Frees up valuable counter space - sized just right to keep things looking neat and organized
A clean and simple alternative to open cutlery bins
These pre-counted and pre-assembled refills make it fast and easy to restock an empty dispenser. Just pick up a new cutlery refill, slide it into the dispenser, rip and pull away the binding tape, close the door and you're done. It's really that simple! There are refills for forks, knives and multi-purpose spoons (basic teaspoon shape with a deeper profile for soup). Brand: SmartStock, Model: DXESSS51, Color: Black, Size: 1-Pack
Custom Tab 01
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