Liquid Defoamer helps prevent and stops foaming that can cause carpet extractor tanks to overflow, leaving a mess on the floor and carpet to cleanup.
A little bit of defoamer will save you lots of wasted time from the back-breaking cleanup of over-foaming.
To prevent foaming, this product works best when used in hoses, tools, and recovery tanks.
This product also helps remove spots, stains, and unpleasant odors.
Good for indoor use, this solution is mild-scented.
Stop the foam before it starts with Diversey Liquid Defoamer. Liquid Defoamer helps prevent and stops foaming that can cause carpet extractor tanks to overflow, leaving a mess on the floor and carpet to cleanup. A little bit of defoamer will save you lots of wasted time from the back-breaking cleanup of over-foaming. To prevent foaming, this product works best when used in hoses, tools, and recovery tanks. This product also helps remove spots, stains, and unpleasant odors. Good for indoor use, this solution is mild-scented. Brand: Diversey, Model: 5002620
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