DaVinci Labs Nature's Collagen, 90 tablets

DaVinci Laboratories of Vermont
In Stock


Brand DaVinci Laboratories of Vermont
Size 90 tablets

  • A dietary supplement to support skin, joint, and connective tissue health. Natures Collagen contains BioCell Collagen II which is a multi-functional, patented ingredient for joint, skin, and vascular support. BioCell Collagen II is made from 100% pure enzymatically hydrolyzed chicken sternum cartilage, thereby providing high bioavailability and purity.
  • STRENGTH IN EXPERIENCE: For over 40 years, DaVinci Laboratories has been a leader in nutritional research, product development and innovation from its home state of Vermont. DaVinci Laboratories is a family-owned and managed company. Every day, DaVinci continues to set new standards for quality and product innovation so they can keep you as healthy and informed as possible.
  • STRENGTH IN NATURE: The raw materials used in DaVinci products are as natural as possible and are guaranteed to contain no artificial flavorings, preservatives, colors, sweeteners or other foreign agents unless otherwise stated on the label.
  • STRENGTH IN INTEGRITY: DaVinci Laboratories is one of the few companies to offer you truth in labeling. Pledging total truth in labeling means the DaVinci family of products contain only the purest and most potent ingredients. Guaranteed.
  • STRENGTH IN RESEARCH: DaVinci Laboratories' research focuses on the complex relationships that exist among nutrients and the latest advancements in nutritional therapies to develop and produce some of the most significant products available. The Research and Development Department is under the direction of a Ph.D. Nutritional Biochemist.

  • A dietary supplement to support skin, joint, and connective tissue health. Natures Collagen contains BioCell Collagen II which is a multi-functional, patented ingredient for joint, skin, and vascular support. BioCell Collagen II is made from 100% pure enzymatically hydrolyzed chicken sternum cartilage, thereby providing high bioavailability and purity.

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