CPAP Tube Brush

Monaco Products, Inc.
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  • Fits inside the standard 22mm sized CPAP hose
  • Features a 5-foot galvanized flexible stem with brush at the end
  • Soft brushes that are gentle to your CPAP hose
  • Can be used to clean up to 10-feet of hose
  • Made in USA

  • The CPAP Tube Brush is available for standard 22mm tubes up to 10 feet in length. CPAP tubing needs to be regularly cleaned. Moisture inside the hose can lead to mold, algae, and bacteria build-up. This can lead not only to the early deterioration of your equipment, but it also can be potentially hazardous to your health. Designed with the patient's convenience in mind, this CPAP hose brush can help you easily scrub and gently cleanse the interior of any standard-sized CPAP or BiPAP hose. The 5-foot flexible stem is coated with zinc, making it resistant to rust. It also features a tubular brush with gentle bristles that can thoroughly clean a standard hose interior. A unique and convenient feature of this product is the slight point at the tip of its brush, which allows you to insert the brush easily inside your CPAP hose. This CPAP tube brush is best used to clean your hose along with mild detergent and lukewarm water. Note not to use hot water, as this could quickly dry out the plastic of your tubing. Finish up with a cold water rinse. Caring for your CPAP brush is simple: carefully unwind and straighten your brush, and find a place to hang it before and after use. This CPAP Tube Brush is indeed a handy tool for cleaning your CPAP hose. Add it to your cleaning supplies for your CPAP equipment maintenance.
    Brand: Monaco Products, Inc., Model: CB1001, Color: silver, white, Size: 22mm diameter, standard tubing

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