Clearblue Fertility Monitor 1 Count

SKU: EZFB0000532QB
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  • The Clearblue Fertility Monitor is the most advanced way of tracking fertility and the only non-invasive method that detects both LH and estrogen hormones.
  • Gives you comprehensive, personal information about your cycle to help you map out your fertility calendar.
  • Counts the days and tells you which days to test.
  • Tells you when you're having Low, High, and Peak fertility days.
  • #1 Brand Recommended by OB/GYNs.† †Data on file. Research into recommendation of Ovulation Tests & Fertility Monitors with 204 US Ob-Gyns. (Kantar Health)

  • The Clearblue Fertility Monitor identifies the prime fertility days to help women who are trying to conceive maximize their chances of getting pregnant. A non-invasive and easy-to-use device, the Clearblue Fertility Monitor consists of a handheld monitor that, along with the use of the Clearblue Fertility Monitor Test Sticks, identifies changes in fertility hormones. While most over-the-counter ovulation tests monitor the LH hormone on its own, the Clearblue Fertility Monitor tracks both LH and estrogen hormones to typically identify up to 6 fertile days — 2 days of Peak Fertility days and 1–5 days of High Fertility.
    Brand: Clearblue, Model: 10633472022200, Color: Blue

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