Cho-Pat Bicep/Tricep Cuff - Eases and Prevents Bicep/Tricep Strain, Injury, and Pain (Bicep/Tricep Tendonitis, Pulling and Tearing of Tendons, Inflammation) - Small (9"-10")

Out Of Stock


  • TARGETED PAIN RELIEF - Dynamic Pain Diffusion absorbs and reduces stress and inflammation.Stabilizes muscles and tendons in upper arm muscles that are strained during athletic, leisure, or work activities
  • BEST USED DURING - Weightlifting, cross-training, boxing, strength training, crossfit, powerlifting
  • EASY TO WEAR - Simple to apply and adjust due to the unique, reinforced, extended strap tongues.Maintains shape and position
  • MADE IN U.S.A.

  • The Cho-Pat Bicep/Tricep Cuff with Dynamic Pain Diffusion prevents the pulling and tearing of tendons and muscles in the bicep area.  The Dynamic Pain Diffusion absorbs and disperses the pain causing forces to relieve stress and reduce inflammation, absorb and diffuse stress, stabilize muscles and tendons. 

    The Bicep/Tricep Cuff applies dynamic circumference pressure to the upper and lower portions of the bicep and tricep muscles.  This action spreads out the stress and direct pull on the muscle attachments, which helps to reduce the likelihood of developing tendonitis and ease existing bicep/tricep pain and discomfort. 

    Measuring Instructions

    Measure the circumference of the arm at mid-bicep.  If you are between sizes, we suggest you order the larger size.


  • Small (9"-10")
  • Medium (10"-11")
  • Large (11"-12.5")
  • XL (12.5"-14")
  • XXL (14"-16")
  • CAUTION:  Please be aware that the only authorized sellers for this product on are Preferred Pro-Formance Products, Therapy Connection, Ithaca Sports, and Pro Therapy Supplies. 

    Brand: Cho-Pat, Model: CPBTC02X, Color: Black, Size: Small ( 9" - 10")

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