Chattanooga Stabilizer Pressure Biofeedback

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  • Intended for the prevention and treatment of back pain, neck pain, and to improve core stability
  • Features a visual indicator of whether you are working the correct postural muscles, in the right manner, when performing specific exercises
  • Provides a measuring range of 0-200 mmHg analog pressure with an accuracy of /- 3 mmHz pressure
  • Use with exercise to protect and stabilize joints, prevent and treat lower back and neck pain, improve core stabilization exercises, and enhance home exercise programs
  • Common aliments for use include facet syndrome, slipped disc, lower back pain, sciatica, spondylolysis, and spondylolysthesis

  • The Chattanooga Stabilizer Pressure Biofeedback is an easy to use device that provides a visual indication of whether you are working the correct postural muscles, in the right manner, when performing specific exercises. Intended for the prevention and treatment of back pain, neck pain, and to improve core stability. The Chattanooga Stabilizer provides muscle re-education using biofeedback, so the clinician and patient can determine if the patient is able to selectively isolate and maintain contractions of the cervical or lumbopelvic core stabilization muscles. The measuring range is 0-200 mmHg analog pressure with an accuracy of /- 3 mmHz pressure. Use with exercise to protect and stabilize joints, prevent and treat lower back and neck pain, improve core stabilization exercises, and enhance home exercise programs. with continuous and proper use, you can improve your quality of life by improving muscle function, decrease pain symptoms, and subsequently decrease anti-inflammatory medications. Common aliments for use include facet syndrome, slipped disc, lower back pain, sciatica, spondylolysis, and spondylolysthesis.
    Brand: Chattanooga, Model: CH153PA01, Size: StabilizerTM Pressure Biofeedback

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