Chattanooga Dura-Stick Plus Self Adhesive Electrodes, 2" x 2" Square (40 Pack)

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  • Muscle stimulation allows you to work your muscle at peak effectiveness
  • Electrodes are the points where the pulses are transmitted to your motor nerves, and ultimately your muscle fibers
  • Coated with Permagel Hydrogel, which serves as a superior coupling agent to minimize resistance between your skin and the electrode
  • Designed with conformable lead wire connectors that offer superior grip to the lead wire pin
  • Includes 40 of the 2" x 2" Square Chattanooga Dura-Stick Plus Self Adhesive Electrodes

  • The Chattanooga Dura-Stick Plus Self Adhesive Electrodes play an important role during muscle stimulation, allowing you to work your muscle at peak effectiveness. Electrodes are the points where the pulses are transmitted to your motor nerves, and ultimately your muscle fibers. Each Chattanooga Dura-Stick Plus Self Adhesive Electrode is coated with Permagel Hydrogel, which serves as a superior coupling agent to minimize resistance between your skin and the electrode. It's designed with conformable lead wire connectors that offer superior grip to the lead wire pin. Carbon conductive film incorporated into a flexible spun lace backing provides excellent conductivity. Flexible, yet sturdy construction offers increased durability and ease of use.
    Brand: Chattanooga, Model: CH152EL03, Size: 2" x 2" Square (40 Pack)

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