Chattanooga ColPac Reusable Gel Ice Pack Cold Therapy for Eye, Forehead, Neck for Aches, Swelling, Bruises, Inflammation, Fever - Blue

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  • Patented design of the Chattanooga ColPac gently delivers soothing cold therapy and stays pliable during treatment
  • Provides instant pain relief to treat fever, bruises, sprains, strains, and helps to manage swelling
  • Each cold therapy pack is latex-free and is filled with non-toxic silica gel, so it's safe for all ages to use
  • Simply apply immediately after an injury to control the inflammation of soft tissue; Delivers up to 30 minutes of soothing relief

  • The Chattanooga ColPac Cold Therapy Pack provides instant pain relief to treat fever, bruises, sprains, strains, and helps to manage swelling. It delivers up to 30 minutes of soothing relief. Simply apply immediately after an injury to control the inflammation of soft tissue. The patented design of the Chattanooga ColPac gently delivers soothing cold therapy and stays pliable during treatment. Each blue vinyl Chattanooga ColPac is latex-free and is filled with non-toxic silica gel, so it's safe for all ages to use. This cold therapy pack is extremely durable, and is commonly used in team sports and safety kits. Recommended the most by Physical Therapists and Sports Trainers, every Chattanooga ColPac is backed by a one-year warranty.
    Brand: Chattanooga, Model: CH143CT03, Color: Eye Cold Pack, Size: Eye Mask

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