CharcoCaps Activated Charcoal Capsules 260mg each Anti-Gas Detoxifying Formula 100 Count; Get fast acting relief from gas, bloating, gastro-intestinal discomfort, and flatulence.
ENJOY YOUR FAVORITE FOODS WITHOUT WORRY: Have you been avoiding some gassy foods; like dairy, beans, raw vegetables, or rich foods If you've been avoiding food you love because they give you gas, make your stomach feel bloated, try CharcoCaps.
HOW DOES ACTIVATED CHARCOAL WORK CharcoCaps Activated Charcoal capsules works by adsorbing (binding) to unwanted gas and toxins and safely carries them out of the digestive system helping to provide fast acting relief of gas, bloating and flatulence.
CHARCOCAPS IS A PREMIUM ULTRAFINE POWDER: The Activated Charcoal is made from 100% natural coconut shells. It does not irritate the stomach. It promotes digestive comfort.It helps maintainhealthy digestive function. It is a food grade charcoal.
CHARCOCAPS CAN BE A SAFE SOLUTION AGAINST STOMACH GAS: But you should not take it within 2 hours of taking a medication because, true to its nature it may adsorb the medication.This product is not intended for accidental positioning.
PROMOTES DIGESTIVE COMFORT & DIGESTIVE FUNCTION: This Information & statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and aren't intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease or health condition.
GET FAST ACTING RELIEF: from Gas, Bloating AND Flatulence ENJOY YOUR FAVORITE FOODS WITHOUT WORRY! If you've been avoiding certain foods you love because they give you gas, try Charcocaps! HOW DOES ACTIVATED CHARCOAL WORK CharcoCaps works by adsorbing (binding) to unwanted gas and toxins and safely carries them out of the digestive system. And yes, it's true its used in hospitals for poisoning emergencies, but in a liquid form 1000x the strength! CHARCOCAPS IS SAFE: Charcocaps has been used around the globe for thousands of years (ask your Ancient Greek or Egyptian relatives) with no known side effects. CharcoCaps does not irritate the stomach, promotes digestive comfort, and helps maintain healthy digestive function. WHAT ELSE SHOULD YOU KNOW ABOUT CHARCOCAPS You should NOT take Charcocaps within 2 hours of taking medication. Since our modern medications are not natural to the body, activated charcoal will assumes its problematic and take it out of the body. Also, some users may experience darkening of the stool – that's the charcoal. At least you know it doesn't stay in your body! Brand: DSE, Model: 10889411431101, Size: 100 Count (260mg)
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