California Baby products are free from peanuts and tree nuts such as walnuts, cashews, almonds and pecans. We utilize coconut derived ingredients, which are not typically restricted by those with nut allergies
No synthetic fragrances
Our aromatherapy essential oils are tested for purity
Tear free / no numbing agents
Travel right with California Baby's Eco-Traveler! This travel caddy is filled with all our must-have products, including our super natural starch-based Jelly Mousse Hair Gel. This reusable caddy is packed with all the essentials for folks on-the-go! To make travel time even better, we've included a fun activity sheet for kids and language flash cards, printed right on the packaging material that would otherwise be tossed out-part of California Baby's REuse before REcycle initiative! The thoughtful design encourages re-fill vs. landfill; imagine multiple uses for each pocket: storing art & crafts, first-aid or office supplies, make-up/hair accessories or as a flower seed organizer! Tell us how you reused and gave a second life to your super functional California Baby travel caddy. Made with phthalate and BPA free plastic and trimmed with hemp and linen fabric. The caddy zips open completely to reveal pockets and specially sized holders. A hanging loop ensures full space saving functionality. The travel caddy on its own is valued at $20.00! We love it, hope you do too! Brand: California Baby, Model: 667-G
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