BSN CELLMASS 2.0 - Watermelon, 1.09lb(50 Servings)

BSN Sports
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  • Complete post workout creatine & glutamine recovery formula
  • 3 grams of glutamine and glutamic Acid
  • 5 grams creatine; Con-Cret-reinforced creatine matrix
  • Replenishment of muscle creatine and glutamine stores
  • 4 grams of whey protein hydrolysate; 10 grams BCAAs

  • CELLMASS 2.0 is a state-of-the-art concentrated post-training recovery agent. After an intense training session, muscles are in a state of heightened stress and need to return to an anabolic state in order to recover and rebuild the damaged tissue, paving the way for increases in strength and athletic performance. To facilitate this, CELLMASS 2.0's completely redesigned formula delivers three forms of creatine as well as glutamine, taurine and hydrolyzed whey protein, designed to replenish fatigued muscles, bring a halt to muscle breakdown and kick-start the recovery process after a workout.Taking CELLMASS 2.0 promotes quicker and more efficient recovery, combats muscular fatigue and breakdown, and supports muscle strength, endurance and overall performance. Adequately recovered from an intense training session, athletes are better prepared to excel in the following day's workout. For anyone who wants to ensure that their workouts don't go to waste and their hard-earned muscle isn't compromised, CELLMASS 2.0 is where mass and recovery begin.
    Brand: BSN Sports, Model: BS-CM-048-04, Size: 50 Servings

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