Contains 12 packs of 48 - 3 Gallon bags, 576 total bags
Certified compostable by the Biodegradable Products Institute to meet the ASTM D6400 standard
This full case of BioBags is intended for high use customers. Store Biobags in a cool, dry place and used within one year of purchase. We recommend purchasing what you can use in a year
Made from plants, vegetable oils and Mater-Bi; contains no polyethylene
Star sealed bags are gathered at the bottom for extra strength and breathability
Certified Non GMO
These bags breathe without leaking, but may form condensation in a closed container
BioBag kitchen waste bags are primarily used for the collection of food scraps and other waste for home or community composting. Our popular BioBag 3 gallon size is designed to fit most kitchen countertop composting pails. BioBag 3 Gallon Food Waste Bags are primarily used for the collection of food scraps and other waste for home or community composting. Our popular BioBag 3 gallon size is designed to fit most kitchen countertop composting pails. The BioBag contains no polyethylene. Brand: BioBag, Model: 187132, Size: 576 Count
Custom Tab 01
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