Feeling overwhelmed by fear or terror Capture the positive potential of Rock Rose essence.
One of 38 essences within Dr Bach's Original Flower Remedy system.
Comes in a handy, portable dropper bottle.
Take an individual essence based on your needs, or create a combination of up to seven essences using our mixing bottle.
Place 2 drops in water and sip at intervals. Or add 2 drops to 30ml mixing bottle containing still spring water, and take 4 drops a minimum of 4 times a day.
The Bach Original Flower Remedies are 38 plant and flower based essences that were developed by Dr Edward Bach for emotional wellbeing in our everyday lives. Our complete system is designed to assist you in understanding and balancing your emotions through an individual and personal approach. We pride ourselves in being the Original Bach Flower Remedies and we continue to produce the full 38 remedies essences using Dr Bach's original methods, so always look out for the Bach signature. Brand: Nelson, Model: 3001201
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