Alpine Fly Fit Earplugs

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  • Helps prevent "airplane ears"
  • Unique soft filters so conversations can still be heard, this is not the case when using foam earplus
  • Absorbs and filters annoying engine and cabin noise
  • Extremely comfortable AlpineThermoShape material
  • Alpine Cleaner included for easy cleaning. Convenient compact carrying case included

  • Every year, millions of people fly across the world. A large amount of people experience an unpleasant pressure or pain in their ears during take-off or landing. Some perceive the noise on the plane as extremely disruptive and tiresome. To this end, Alpine has developed special earplugs: the FlyFit. With these earplugs, an award winning modern design, unpleasant pressure differences and loud fellow passengers are a thing of the past, whereas ordering a drink from a stewardess is still possible. The FlyFit earplugs guarantee a relaxed and comfortable plane trip and a relaxed start of the vacation or business trip. FlyFit earplugs regulate the uncomfortable pressure on the ear drums during takeoff or landing of a plane. The filters inside the earplug act as a valve and realize a gradual and constant pressure balance between the outside world and the mid ear. This gives the Eustachian tube sufficient time to adapt to the differences in pressure. In addition, the special AlpineAcousticFilters in the FlyFit earplugs absorb annoying ambient noise. The earplugs provide rest and relaxation during long flights, but are also perfect for use during car, train and bus trips.
    Brand: Alpine, Model: 111.21.250

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