The wristbands and charms are 100 Percent silicone and latex-free. Kit includes 1 Small and 1 Large Band.
The wristband has five holes and can accommodate four allergy charms plus the recommended medic charm.
Comes with 8 allergy charms Peanut, Shellfish, Wheat, Fish, Soy, Tree Nut, Egg, plus 1 medic charm.
Brightly-colored bracelet and charms draw attention.
Designed for children ages 3 to 8 years old.
The best way to avoid food allergy emergencies is through awareness.Allerbling is a visual educational tool and a conversation piece that has the potential to save children's lives by raising awareness of a child's food allergies. These bright, stretchy bracelets are a great way to alert others about your child's food allergies.To insert charms, simply stretch the wristband a little with one hand, and elongate a hole. Then squeeze the charm backing and insert it partially into the hole and pull the backing through the other side - a bit like threading a needle. Do not use a sharp object to elongate the hole.Continue until you have installed all of the charms your child needs. Brand: Allerbling
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