ACME SPONGE & CHAMOIS BS915 Easy Grip All-Purpose Polyurethane Sponge, 8-3/4 x 5 x 3-1/8"

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  • Measures 8-3/4-inches x 5-inches x 3-1/8-inches
  • All-Purpose sponge for home, auto and marine washing and cleaning
  • Polyurethane composition and Easy-Grip design
  • Long-Lasting and absorbent

  • Acme sponge and chamois' easy grip all-purpose polyurethane sponge couldn't make cleaning easier for you. As the name implies, this all-purpose sponge can handle just about any cleaning and washing job whether it's a routine household cleanup, a car touchup, or marine work. Making the sponge even more appealing is its easy-grip design, allowing you to comfortably and effectively grip the sponge for enhanced and truly easy cleaning. The super absorbent easy grip all-purpose polyurethane sponge from ACME sponge and chamois can't eliminate the chore of cleaning altogether, but it can certainly make it easy and comfortable for you. And it may even start to feel less like a chore.
    Brand: ACME SPONGE & CHAMOIS, Model: BS915, Color: Yellow, Size: 8-3/4 x 5 x 3-1/8"

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