ACL Staticide 520 Regular Heavy Duty Topical Anti-Stat, 4 oz Trigger Sprayer Bottle

ACL Staticide
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  • Long-lasting solution for high friction surfaces
  • Staticide topicals can be applied by spraying, wiping, dipping, transfer roller coating, gravure coating or flexographic printing
  • Every Staticide topical dilution is proven to be effective in relative humidity below 15 percent
  • One gallon covers approximately 2000 square feet and will last from weeks to months, depending on the application and the material it is applied to
  • Exceeds MIL-B-81705 specifications for static decay in accordance with Federal Test Standard 101, method 4046

  • ACL Staticide regular heavy duty topical anti-stat with trigger sprayer. It is a proprietary water-based formulation consisting of several quaternary compounds. Long-lasting solution for high friction surfaces. Used for treating carpets, chairs, clothing, conveyor belts, totes and work surfaces with heavy use. If material is porous or absorbent, use Regular heavy duty. Ideal for eliminating static and preventing tribogeneration on carpets, upholstery and fabrics. It is also appropriate to use in avoiding jamming or material slippage during printing, packaging and converting. This solution can even be used as an aid to avert dangerous static-triggering situations such as the ignition of combustible vapors, dust or solvents. Staticide topicals can be applied by spraying, wiping, dipping, transfer roller coating, gravure coating or flexographic printing. Every Staticide topical dilution is proven to be effective in relative humidity below 15 percent. One gallon covers approximately 2000 square feet and will last from weeks to months, depending on the application and the material it is applied to. Ideal for eliminating static-related problems such as: electrostatic discharge on carpeting and fabrics; jamming or slipping of materials during printing, packaging or converting; ignition of combustible vapors, dust or solvents, causing fire or explosion. When properly applied, it complies with or exceeds all electrostatic decay criteria established for antistatic performance as set forth by NFPA and MIL B-81705, when tested in accordance with Federal Test Standard 101B, Method 4046. Approximate cloud point: 30 degrees F. Approximate solidification point: 20 degrees F. Shelf life: indefinite. Temperature stability: withstands up to 30 minutes at 250 degrees F. Very slight amber/clear color. 4 fluid ounce bottle.
    Brand: ACL Staticide, Model: 520

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