3M Tegaderm Transparent Film Dressing - 8" x 12" - - Box of 10

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  • Greater adhesion under moist conditions
  • Clinically effective and versatile
  • Bacterial/viral barrier
  • Sterile and waterproof

  • 3M Tegaderm Transparent Film Wound Dressing Original Frame Style - 8" x 12" 3M Tegaderm Transparent Film Wound Dressing is a transparent film dressing primarily designed for protecting skin and wound sites. It can also be used to cover and secure I.V. sites or used as a secondary dressing over acute wounds, surgical sites, and chronic wounds. Frame style allows customization of shape and size to fit any site. Tegaderm Film has a "frame" and "first aid" delivery system that makes placement quick and easy. This Waterproof yet Breathable film dressing provides a bacterial and viral barrier to outside contaminants and allows the patient to shower. 3M offers two, unique, different transparent adhesive dressing systems (standard and HP), giving the clinician a choice for patients with sensitive skin or a need for increased holding power in the presence of moisture. Laboratory testing has proven Tegaderm and Tegaderm HP dressings provide a viral barrier (HIV-1 and HBV) while the dressings remain intact without leakage. Product Benefits: Versatility allows you to use one product for many applications. Breathable film allows moisture vapor and oxygen exchange. For I.V. sites, water vapor and oxygen are easily exchanged to permit normal functioning of the skin. Provides a moist environment for enhanced wound healing, as viscous wound exudate is more slowly evaporated through the breathable film. Unique, thin film conforms to the body and flexes with the skin for greater patient comfort. Sterile, waterproof dressing provides a bacterial and viral barrier to outside contaminants and allows the patient to shower. The dressings are available in a variety of sizes and shapes to address both wound and I.V. applications. Frame delivery system allow maximum versatility as it can be cut to any shape and size. The hydrophilic nature of Tegaderm Film adhesive makes it adherent and useful in senseitive skin situations. Transparent dressings allow easy monitoring of wounds without the
    Brand: 3M

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