3M Gum Remover Ready-to-Use, 8 oz

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  • Removes gum completely leaving no sticky gum residue
  • Effective on other tough stains such as adhesive residue and candle wax
  • No rinsing necessary

  • Applications: Commercial and residential carpets Most carpet fibers (nylon, polyester, olefin, wool and blends) Most carpet styles (loop or cut piles) Safe for use on stain resistant nylon fibers Upholstery fabrics that can be safely cleaned with water General Use Directions: Note: If the gum is heavily embedded with soil on the surface, wet a cloth with a small amount of gum remover and blot the dirt from the gum before applying the liquid. This will avoid the soil spreading into the surrounding carpet. 1. Wet entire surface of gum wad with the gum remover liquid. 2. Allow at least 1 minute for the product to soften the gum. 3. Using a dull spatula, spoon or butter knife start at the outside edges of the gum wad, and use the tool to pull gum towards the center and lift the gum from the carpet. 4. After removing the bulk of the gum wad, apply a second application of gum remover to the remaining stain. 5. After at least 1 minute, use the blunt tool to scrape across the carpet surface to remove the remaining gum. 6. Blot the carpet area with a clean white cloth or paper towel. Note: Scraping carpeting with a sharp tool can cut and damage the carpeting permanently.
    Brand: 3M, Model: 34854

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