16 Pads Steel Wool, Very Fine No. 0000, Finest Grade, High-Quality Scouring Pad, For Cast Iron, Dishes, Pots, Pans and For All-Purpose.

Supply Guru
Out Of Stock


  • All-purpose steel wool assortment includes 16 pads of no. 0000 - finest grade, high-quality metal strands, gentle abrasiveness, handy size, flexible to reach around corners, used by professionals and do-it-yourselfers, high-value 16pads.
  • For rubbing down the final finishing coats of shellac stain or varnish, the steel wool will remove dust particles and give you a smooth surface for your final coat of shellac.
  • Ideal for cleaning and polishing furniture, antiques, woodwork, cabinets, doors, paneling, accessories wood surfaces, to be used for most household chores, hobbies and projects antique dealers, refinishers, and homemakers.
  • Steel wool is graded differently in terms of abrasiveness. The grading scale goes from #0000 at the finest to #4 for the most aggressive. This steel wool is rated at #0000.

  • All-purpose steel wool assortment includes 16 pads of no. 0000 - finest grade, high-quality metal strands, gentle abrasiveness, handy size, flexible to reach around corners, used by professionals and do-it-yourselfers, high-value 16pads.

    For rubbing down the final finishing coats of shellac stain or varnish, the steel wool will remove dust particles and give you a smooth surface for your final coat of shellac. Ideal for cleaning and polishing furniture, antiques, woodwork, cabinets, doors, paneling, accessories wood surfaces, to be used for most household chores, hobbies and projects antique dealers, refinishers, and homemakers.

    Steel wool is graded differently in terms of abrasiveness. The grading scale goes from #0000 at the finest to #4 for the most aggressive. This steel wool is rated at #0000.

    Brand: Supply Guru

    Custom Tab 01

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