Sensachew Circle Pendant - New

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  • 100% Food Grade Silicone
  • Great for kids who seek out biting/chewing
  • Discrete design that is fashionable
  • Great oral input device
  • Please note, lanyard and keychain not included, pendant only

  • Great new design (current style does not require the metal ring at top - simply push the laynard through the opening and pull back through itself)Please ensure you purchase the lanyard that does not have the metal ring at the end or the pendant will not sit straight.The Sensachew Circle Pendant is a great oral input device for those children who seek out chewing or oral input. Made from 100% food grade silicon, they are great for home, school, when in the car or when out. Designed by an Occupational Therapist, the Sensachew pendant is designed to be used with either the Sensachew Lanyard or the Sensachew Retractable Keychain (sold separately). For use with children with Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder, ADD/ADHD or any child that seeks out oral input
    Brand: Sensachew

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