ARK's Yellow Baby Grabber Chewie

ARK Therapeutic
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  • Calm and soothe sore gums
  • Safe outlet for biting, chewing, and mouthing
  • Great for babies to develop oral tone and strengthen their mouth muscles in preparation for speech and feeding later on
  • Chewy and durable
  • Made in the USA!

  • ARK's Baby Grabber is designed to calm and soothe infants who are in the early stages of development. At approximately 5-6 months, babies start mouthing and chewing in order to strengthen their mouth muscles and exercise their lips, tongue, and jaw. This oral exploration prepares them to eat solid foods and to make speech sounds later on. Made out of soft, chewy, medical grade material, the Grabber provides a safe outlet for babies to develop these skills. It can also assist in self-organization, in the transition from puréed to textured foods, and in soothing sore gums. While all surfaces of the Grabber can be chewed on, the extension provides input all the way to the back molar area. Highly recommended for infants with hypersensitivity and oral sensory defensiveness. Measures approximately 4 inches in length and just under 2 inches across the loop. Sold individually. Manufactured in the USA! They're constructed out of medical grade, FDA compliant materials that contain NO lead, phthalates, PVC, BPA, or latex. They're also molded out of one solid piece of material with no holes or crevices that could harbor saliva or bacteria. Caution: although these chew tools are made out of sturdy, medical grade materials, they are not indestructible. Some individuals (particularly those with heavy oral needs and aggressive biting/chewing) may be able to damage the tools. Please supervise at all times and replace if necessary when the item shows signs of wear and tear
    Brand: ARK Therapeutic, Color: Yellow

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