Pepper Pot Baby's First Year Keepsake Calendar, Jungle Friends Girls

Pepper Pot
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  • Undated calendar and included stickers allow you to create a customized keepsake of baby's first year
  • Calendar measures 9.5" x 11.5"
  • Pink animal design theme brings the little girl out in any mommy
  • 13 full color calendar pages and 2 pages of coordinating stickers
  • Pepperpot strives to provide practical yet stylish items to entertain children and delight parents or grandparents

  • The addition of a new baby is one of life's greatest joys. Record all the precious moments with a brag book, album, frame, or other item from one of Pepperpot's adorable baby collections. Quintessentially baby, and irresistibly cute, these keepsakes promise to be a delight to share now and for generations to come. Keepsake Calendar is undated so allows you to create a custom calendar using notes, photos and matching stickers capturing each moment in baby's first year. Pepperpot addresses life's most joyous occasions weddings and babies as well as providing practical yet stylish items to entertain children, dress up a kitchen, brighten travel, and record precious memories.
    Brand: Pepper Pot, Model: 24-8738, Color: Jungle Friends Girls

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