Happy Anniversary 40th Ruby Wedding Anniversary Dual Photo Frame Special Occasion Gift Idea. A gorgeous 40th Ruby Anniversary double photo frame. This makes a wonderful keepsake special gift for a very special couple celebrating their Ruby Wedding Anniversary. The photo frame is finished in matt and shiny silver with a beautifully embossed design of two silver bells with a ruby coloured ribbon. An embossed design of two silver doves holding a shiny ruby coloured ribbon finishes off the top of the frame. The photo frame is designed to hold two photographs. One photograph of the Wedding Day on the left hand side of the frame and has the words 'Our Wedding Day' written on a plaque. The oval opening will take a picture approximately 8cm by 10cm (3in by 4in) The Special Anniversary photo is placed on the right of the photo frame and has the words 'Our Ruby Anniversary' written on a plaque below. This will take a picture approximately 10cm by15cm (4in by 6in) Brand: Juliana, Model: FS55040, Color: Silver, Size: multi aperture
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