Baby Banz Earmuffs Infant Hearing Protection – Ages 0-2 Years – THE BEST EARMUFFS FOR BABIES & TODDLERS – Industry Leading Noise Reduction Rating – Soft & Comfortable – Baby Ear Protection

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  • BEST HEARING EARMUFFS for infants and toddlers. These baby earmuffs are perfect for newborns through 24 months and up. BABY BANZ CHILD SOUND PROTECTION continues to lead the market
  • INDUSTRY LEADING NOISE REDUCTION RATING - NRR 31dB. These are the best hearing earmuffs on the market. Block harmful noise and protect hearing
  • SUPER SOFT PADDING FOR THE BEST COMFORT. Infants and toddlers love them! BABY BANZ INFANT EARMUFFS feature a low profile stylish design unlike other bulky earmuffs on the market
  • LIGHTWEIGHT & DURABLE - These are perfect for sporting events, car races, music concerts, airports, wedding receptions, movies, machinery, and more!
  • The PERFECT HEARING PROTECTION for little ears. Don't be fooled by bulky competitors who repackage kids earmuffs as "baby" earmuffs. These are specifically designed for babies and toddlers
  • Application of Warranty: BANZ is a professional brand, and as such, any BANZ guarantee / warranty coverage is only applicable with valid proof of purchase from an Authorized BANZ distributor. The BANZ warranty WILL NOT apply to products purchased on without valid proof of purchase from an Authorized BANZ distributor. Currently, the following sellers are the only entities permitted to distribute BANZ products on Jaco Enterprises, Inc., Bebe Precious, Silver Lilly, and UnbeatableSale, Inc.

  • Say hello to the BEST hearing earmuffs for infants and babies. INDUSTRY LEADING NOISE REDUCTION RATING – NRR 31dB. Finally there is a solution to providing hearing protection for infants with sensitive hearing. The Baby Banz Baby Earmuffs effectively attenuate harmful loud noises without shutting out other ambient sounds. THESE ARE SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED FOR INFANTS, BABIES, AND TODDLERS. Baby Banz infant earmuffs are easy to wear, with a low profile and no protruding parts that can catch on things. The wide, foam-filled cushions ensure that the set doesn't squeeze uncomfortably, and there is plenty of space for the ears inside the shells. Baby Banz Earmuffs have a comfy leather-like cover over the headband to ensure all over comfort!! They are also extremely lightweight making them even more comfortable. Protect sensitive little ears with Baby Banz hearing earmuffs!


    Application of Warranty: BANZ is a professional brand, and as such, any BANZ guarantee / warranty coverage is only applicable with valid proof of purchase from an Authorized BANZ distributor. The BANZ warranty WILL NOT apply to products purchased on without valid proof of purchase from an Authorized BANZ distributor. Currently, the following sellers are the only entities permitted to distribute BANZ products on Jaco Enterprises, Inc., Bebe Precious, Silver Lilly, and UnbeatableSale, Inc.

    Brand: BANZ, Model: EMBPU, Color: Purple

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