US Chess Checkbook Magnetic Travel Chess Set - by US Chess Federation

The House of Staunton
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  • The Official Magnetic Travel Chess Set of The US Chess Federation
  • The chess set for players on the go.
  • A great stocking stuffer, gift or prize for home, school and clubs
  • Algebraic notations on all sides makes this the perfect tool for teaching chess!
  • About the size of a standard checkbook making it easy for carrying and storage, have your chessboard with you at all times!

  • p>Our Checkbook Magnetic Travel Chess Set is perfect for Chessplayers on the go! Compact yet completely playable, it features a 6" x 6" green/buff Chessboard and is one of the strongest magnetic sets we've seen. When it's not in use, it can be folded up and stuck in your shirt pocket, leaving the position intact for later use. The pieces have been specially designed for use by children. The board has algebraic notation on all sides and is an excellent learning tool for Chessplayers of all skill levels. If you run a Chess club or teach Chess, we recommend these sets as a great prize and gift!

    Since 1939, The United States Chess Federation is the official, non-profit US membership organization for chess players and chess supporters of all ages and strengths, from beginners to Grandmasters. The USCF represents the United States in the World Chess Federation (FIDE), linking US members to chess players around the world. To address the equipment needs of Chess players, The US Chess Federation is proud to offer our exclusive line of Chess equipment that is available at reasonable prices. All purchases support the United States Chess Federation and its mission to promote the game of Chess
    Brand: The House of Staunton

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