Play fun team trivia with this electronic Trivial Pursuit Hints game
3,000 hints
Up to 3 hints per category
Game unit displays the score
Includes game unit and instructions
Trivial Pursuit Hints Game Take your trivia game to the next level with this awesome electronic Trivial Pursuit Hints game! With each turn in the game, you and your team have 2 minutes to answer as many questions as you can. But if you don't know the answer, you can get up to 3 hints to help you figure it out! If your team answers the most questions with the fewest hints after 4 turns, you're the Trivial Pursuit champs!Trivial Pursuit and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro. Features:
Play fun team trivia with this electronic Trivial Pursuit Hints game
3,000 hints
Up to 3 hints per category
Game unit displays the score
Includes game unit and instructions
Brand: Hasbro, Model: A7288
Custom Tab 01
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