Spin Master Games Head's Up Party Game - Editions May Vary

Spin Master Games
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  • Includes three popular categories from the app, plus one Exclusive Category: DYNAMIC DUOS
  • ACT IT OUT has you acting out clues, without talking; It's time to mime
  • SUPERSTARS is loaded with today's hottest celebrities; Can you describe them
  • HEY MR. DJ adds music to the mix Can you hum your clues to a song No singing For 2 to 6 players, ages 8 and up
  • Includes: 200 Cards, 6 Headbands, 48 Chips, Sand Timer, Instructions
  • Editions vary from Original and 2nd Edition

  • HEAD'S UP 2nd EDITION lets you play the party game version of the popular app! Race the timer to guess the words you're wearing in your headband, based on your teammate's clues. HEAD'S UP 2nd Edition includes all new cards in four categories: Act It Out, where you act out your clues; Superstars and Blockbuster Movies, where you describe your clues; and an exclusive deck, Sound It Out, where you can only make sounds! Earn chips for each card you figure out. The player who earns the most chips wins! It's the family game that's heads above the rest!
    Brand: Spin Master Games, Model: 6023119, Color: Multicolor, Size: Standard

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