Scrabble Giant Deluxe Edition with Rotating Wooden Board

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  • Game board and all components are 50 percent larger than standard Scrabble - Game Board Measures 25" x 25" x 2.75"
  • Solid wood game unit with mahogany finish and built-in lazy susan
  • Over-sized solid wood natural finish Scrabble tiles, (4) Mahogany finish tile racks, velvet pouch with drawstring, scorepad and rules
  • Deluxe over-sized Scrabble gameboard with raised grid to hold the tiles in place when turning the game unit
  • Separate storage box to hold all of the game components

  • With the Giant Scrabble Deluxe Edition, even the small words are big words! Oversized at 150% the original Scrabble game size, this large-and-in-charge board game is a fun twist on a classic game and a godsend for the seeing impaired. One of its most unique features though isn't its size but its ability to rotate smoothly so every player gets the same perfect view of the board on their turn without fear of scattering the tiles.This set includes embossed wooden tiles, a giant red tile pouch, and a scoring pad so you always know who's in the lead. Measures 25L x 25W x 2.75H inches. Extra-large rotating Scrabble game. 150% larger than traditional Scrabble sets. Game board with raised grid and gold foiling. Integrated Lazy Susan allows for uninterrupted game play for all players. Includes tile pouch and scorepad. Overall dimensions: 25L x 25W x 2.75H inches.
    Brand: Scrabble, Model: WS21010, Color: Multi, Size: 25 in.

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