Pirate Den

Crash of Games
Out Of Stock


  • Pirate Den is a cutthroat, fast-paced Pirate Bluffing Game!
  • Ages 14
  • Number of Players: 3-5
  • Playing Time: 30 minutes

  • Pirate Den is a game of bluffing and deception for 3-5 players that plays in 30 minutes or less. Players take on the role of pirate captains trying to get the most loot. Plunder the seas, steal from your rivals, and bury your treasure to protect it. The captain with the most loot at the end of the game, wins. In the game players will play cards to take gems from the center of the table and from each other, and bury to turn 5 gems into buried treasure to prevent it from being stolen. When one player has 5 buried treasure the game ends and the person with the most points between their gems and buried treasure wins, with each gem being worth 1 and each buried treasure being worth 5.
    Brand: Crash of Games

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