Peaceable Kingdom Stone Soup Award Winning Cooperative Matching Game for Kids

Peaceable Kingdom
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  • CLASSIC TALE OF COOPERATION: Players work together to "cook" a soup by making matches of ingredients. Match all the the ingredients before the cooking fire goes out and everyone wins!
  • LEARNING AND GROWING: In this matching game kids learn cooperation, memory skills, taking turns and valuable social skills. No reading required allows littles to play too.
  • BENEFITS:Cooperative games cultivate emotional development, shared decision making, positive self esteem, creative problem solving and develop a sense of community in a non-stressful play environment.
  • HOW TO PLAY: Players use memory and teamwork to match soup ingredients in this matching game. Match all the ingredients before the cooking fire is extinguished by the Fire Out cards.
  • WHO CAN PLAY: 2-6 players age 5 and up can enjoy Stone Soup. INCLUDES: 1 game board, 24 soup ingredients cards, 1 magic stone card, 10 fire out cards, A Tale Of Stone Soup story and instructions.

  • Work together to make the stone soup before the fire goes out! In this game, speak up, yell out or point to cards you want your teammates to turn over. One player may be turning the cards, but everyone can use his or her memory to help a teammate find the matches. That's cooperation! Kindness is essential to success in life. Cooperative games blend playful fun with a chance to learn compassion and practice kindness toward others. Common goals teach kids to work together. Cooperative games enable players to win or lose as a team, which builds resilience and strengthens friendships. Nothing is more important than meaningful connections. Cooperative games are an engaging way to turn off the screens and join together for face-to-face play. Cooperative games emphasize play, not competition. Kids work together, help each other and, most importantly, they play for FUN! Since 1983 play has been the heart and soul of Peaceable Kingdom. Silly play, special play, wholehearted play! We create experiences to help kids play well together, so they can play well in the world. Our games and items connect kids and families, encourage learning and self-expression and let imaginations soar. And if a piece of your Peaceable Kingdom game or item gets lost in all that fun, we will gladly send you a replacement piece - just contact us directly with your need! When play comes from the heart and feeds the soul, that's Peaceable Kingdom.
    Brand: Peaceable Kingdom, Model: GM104

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