Ninja All-Stars: Karura

Ninja Division
Out Of Stock


  • One resin miniature with stat card
  • Resin figure is unpainted and fully assembled
  • An expansion figure for Ninja All Stars

  • Karura is a Clan Tanchyo-themed Hero for Ninja All-Stars. Heroes bring potent new abilities to a player's team that are entirely unique to them. Each Hero is themed to a single clan and make must-have additions for players who pick up the clan box. Karura is unusual among even his rare, adventurous clansmen, for he feels a greater kinship with the Tanchyo's cousins - the eagles - than with any human he has met. Although seemingly distant, Karura possess a great inquisitive nature that has led him to tinker endlessly and invent many wonderful things. His latest invention - a contraption of snares, wires, pulleys, and hooks-allows him to fly between trees, cliffs, and rooftops with all the grace and speed of his beloved avian cousins.
    Brand: Ninja Division, Model: 10602NJD

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