It's Munchkin Cthulhu like you've never played it before!
Introduces the rule-bending Dungeon cards to the Cthulhu universe.
More great John Kovalic art than you can shake a shoggoth at!
3-6 players
ages 10-up
For 3 to 6 players
1 to 2 hours to play
Munchkin game line expansion
Fantasy swords and sorcery them
Humorous flavor
The hunt for forbidden knowledge goes underground into the Crazed Caverns! Explore the Midden of the Mi-Go! Dig yourself out of the Dunwich Ditch! Brave the blue light of K'n-Yan! Munchkin Cthulhu 4 -- Crazed Caverns adds Portals and Dungeons (first seen in Munchkin 6 -- Demented Dungeons) to the popular Munchkin Cthulhu game. Every new Dungeon card changes the rules, making the game even more insane! (To say nothing of the players . . .) Brand: Steve Jackson Games, Model: 1465, Color: Multi-colored
Custom Tab 01
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