Exciting 3-in-1 party game pack provides hours of fun, laughs and marathon action!
The mini versions of Mad Gab, Balderdash and Pass the Popcorn offer diverse game play and are easy to take on the go!
In Mad Gab game, teams must phonetically solve puzzles before time runs out
Balderdash is the outrageous bluffing game and Pass the Popcorn is exciting for big film buffs and novice fans
This exciting 3-in-1 party game pack provides hours of fun, laughs and marathon action! The mini, sample versions of Mad Gab, Balderdash and Pass the Popcorn games offer diverse game play and are easy to take on the go! In Mad Gab game, teams must phonetically solve puzzles before time runs out. Go ahead, sound it out, silly answers lead to big laughs. Then grab the bull by the horns with Balderdash, the outrageous bluffing game where players invent new definitions for people, words, initials, and movies. Pass the Popcorn game is exciting for big film buffs and novice fans. Players try to pick the correct flick from hints that include actors, characters, story and quotes. Get this 3-pack bundle of fun for an instant game night, exciting road trip activities or as an awesome gift! With over 6 hours of play, you can "win the party" when you show up with this great sampler pack. Colors and decorations may vary. Not full versions of the games. Brand: Mattel Games, Model: CGD41
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