Race in a head-to-head competition with Blink , the lightning-fast card game!
Using sharp eyes and fast hands, 2 players try to match the shape, count, or color on their cards to either one of two discard piles
Play all the cards from your draw pile to win the game!
Colorfully designed cards have large symbols that range from moons to triangles to stars, making it easy for anyone to play. Watch as your reflexes and response time improves round after round
Includes 60 symbol cards and instructions
Blink is the lightning-fast game where two players race head-to-head to be the first to play all of their cards! Using sharp eyes and fast hands, players quickly try to match the shape, count or color on the cards. For instance, a card with four yellow stars could be played on any card with yellow (color), or on a card with stars (shape), or on a card with four symbols (count). Don't be fooled by the games' simplicity—your hand and eye coordination will be put to the test! The first player who can rid themselves of all their cards wins. Fast and portable, Blink game is instant fun for everyone! Includes 1 Blink card game with instructions. Colors and decorations may vary. Brand: Mattel Games, Model: T5931, Color: Multi Color, Size: 1-Pack
Custom Tab 01
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