Jumping Jack — Pull Out a Carrot and Watch Jack Jump Game

Goliath Games
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  • Kids spin to see how many carrots they pull from the bunny hill
  • One carrot will make Jack jump, but which carrot is it
  • Keeps kids engaged because every player gets a chance to catch Jack to win
  • A game of mounting excitement, reflexes, and hand-to-eye coordination
  • For 2-4 players, ages 4 and up - tested for safety and quality

  • Kids will jump for joy when they play with Jumping Jack, the world's cutest bunny! Spin the spinner to see how many carrots you get to pick from Jack's bunny hill. One of the carrots will make Jack jump, but it's a different carrot every time. If he jumps on your turn, you'll win if you catch him, or additional gameplay allows every player to try to catch him when he jumps. If no one catches Jack, then the player with the most carrots wins. This delightful preschool game teaches hand-eye coordination, taking turns and quick reactions. For 2-4 players, ages 4 and up. From the makers of Gooey Louie, Pop the Pig, Barbecue Party, Catch the Fox, Doggie Doo, and Giggle Wiggle.
    Brand: Goliath Games, Model: 30514, Color: Multicolor

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