HABA Rhino Hero A Heroic Stacking Card Game for Ages 5 and Up - Triple Award Winner

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  • What is that Is that a rhino climbing up the wall Rhino Hero is out and about again. The super hero from the animal world fearlessly scales the highest houses looking for burglars and rogues.
  • He is strong as a lion and as smart as a fox, but also as heavy as a rhinoceros. So when Rhino Hero is around even the most robust tower may start to wobble.
  • Can you help Rhino Hero accomplish his wobbly construction mission and build a skyscraper as tall and solid as possible A heroic 3D card-stacking game for 2-5 players ages 5 and up
  • Made of Sturdy Cardboard. Contents: 31 roof cards (= action cards), 28 walls, 1 foundation (= starting card) and 1 Rhino Hero.
  • Rhino Hero has won these prestigious awards: Major Fun! Award, Mr. Dad Seal of Approval, PTPA - Parent Tested - Parent Approved

  • It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Super Rhino! No building too high, no street too dangerous for this caped crusader, as he scales buildings and patrols the city protecting the citizens. On his quest for safety, he must use caution as even the most solid buildings may start to sway and wobble. Can you help Super Rhino accomplish the challenge to build a skyscraper as tall and solid as can be A heroic 3D card-stacking game for 2-5 players ages 5
    Brand: HABA, Model: 4789

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