Black Bicycle Ghost Playing Cards by Ellusionist is specifically designed with card players, magicians and card enthusiasts in mind.
Ghost maintains the Bicycle look & feel, but adds touches that the red and blue decks lack.
Stripped of color, the black Ghost card deck displays itself as a black and white, eerie, yet elegant deck. The only color visible is the deep red on the hearts and diamonds.
Designed by Ellusionist, the black Bicycle Ghost Deck has a thick high grade stock, a smooth finish and an amazing design.
Latin on the Joker says: "The World Invites Deception".
Bicycle Ghost Playing Cards by Ellusionist - Black - High Quality Finish, Thick Stock - After repeated requests for the Black Ghost (more than any product in Ellusionist history), an improved 2nd Edition of the mega-hit deck has been released. Look for beautiful fanning and luxury stock. The Jokers alone are a work of art and contain a Jack of Spades reveal that can be used to reveal a playing card in a surprising way. Brand: Ellusionist, Model: BLKGHOST2ND
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