Doctor Who: The Card Game 2nd Edition

Cubicle 7
SKU: EZF0857442414
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  • New edition of the best-selling card game.
  • Familiar enough that existing fans can get started right away, but with enough new cards that it's still a must-buy!
  • Contains new versions of the Doctor - including the Ninth, Tenth and Twelfth Doctors!
  • Contains new companions - Rose Tyler and Clara Oswald as well as new enemies, the Impossible Astronaut, the Vashta Nerada and the Adipose.
  • A great game for any fan of the show, both young and old.

  • Daleks! Cybermen! Sontarans! The list of threats is endless and no place in the universe is ever truly safe from danger. But there's one man who's made it his mission to defend the defenceless, help the helpless, and save everyone he can. A mysterious stranger. A force of nature who has seen his own planet die. A madman with a box.The Doctor Who Card Game is an action packed adventure for three to four players designed by Martin Wallace. To win the game you will have to use your wits and courage to: Defend the universe as the Doctor and his companions, send the Doctor's enemies to conquer the places your competitors are trying to protect, and save the universe!
    Brand: Cubicle 7, Model: 2105CB7

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