CHH 18" Brown and White Backgammon Set

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  • 18" brown and white vinyl backgammon game
  • Color matching sewn in points velor interior
  • Includes brown and white playing pieces, two sets color matching dice, two dice cups and one doubling cube.
  • Dimensional Detail: (W x L x H) = 11.25" x 18.0" x 1.875"

  • Backgammon is a two player game where the pieces, also known as stones, are moved counter clockwise in a horseshoe fashion along triangular tracks, also know as points. Backgammon is one of the oldest board games and is believed to have been in existence since the time of the Pharaohs. Backgammon is a game that combines elements of strategy and luck. It is a fast paced game that requires analytical thinking to master, yet still has touches of lady luck to make the game unpredictably fun.
    Brand: CHH, Model: 3011L, Color: Brown & White, Size: Large

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