Blue Orange Gobblet

Blue Orange
SKU: EZFB00006L50P
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  • Titc Tac Toe like
  • Visual Perception
  • problem solving
  • An all wooden strategy game for 2 players, ages 7 to adult.
  • Gobble up your opponent's pieces and line up 4 Gobblets to win.
  • Develops strategic thinking, problem solving skills and memory.
  • Winner of over 15 awards and a classic from Blue Orange Games

  • Based on the familiar concept of Tic-Tac-Toe, Gobblet takes strategy to the next level. This all wooden board game takes just seconds to learn but a lifetime to master. Gobble up, line up four pieces in a row, and win! Elegantly designed and sustainably made, Gobblet self-stores all the playing pieces and looks attractive on any coffee table. With irresistible, fast-moving play and astonishingly simple rules, Gobblet is a challenging treat for the whole family. Includes 24 Gobblets, a checkered board and storing box.
    Brand: Blue Orange, Model: 100

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