Asmodee 7 Wonders: Leaders Expansion

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  • For 2 to 7 players
  • 40 minutes of playtime
  • 7 Wonders, leaders will add 40 new cards to the base game of 7 Wonders, comprising four new guilds and 36 new, white "Leader" cards

  • Seven Wonders: Leaders

    In 7 Wonders, players get hands of cards, pick those that will help them build their City and pass the rest to their neighbor. Their goal build commercial ties, strengthen their military might and build their Wonders. Leaders introduces in the game notable personalities, who offer various advantages. At the beginning of the game, players create a Leader hand from which they will be able to play a leader at the beginning of every age or use him to get money or help build your Wonder. The recruited Leaders will allow you to build certain structures at a cheaper cost, even maybe for free or will be worth victory points or well, with Leaders, the Wonders never cease.

    Brand: Asmodee, Model: SEVUS02ASM

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