Winsome Wood Foldable 4-Tier Shelf, Natural

Winsome Wood
In Stock


Brand Winsome Wood
Model 82427
Color Natural
Size 3

  • 4-tier foldable shelf is lightweight for easy moving and stores flat
  • Crafted of solid beechwood with natural finish
  • Mission-style slatted sides and open back offer light, airy look
  • Roomy shelves hold books, collectibles, kitchen items, and more
  • Measures 26-inch wide by 12-inch deep by 42inches high

  • Let's face it, life doesn't stay the same--and that means that your furniture has to be able to go with the flow, too. Enter Winsome Wood's foldable four-tier shelf. Collapsible, portable, and versatile, it may live in the office this week, the kitchen next month, and the bedroom next year. The stylish Mission-inspired unit is made of solid/composite wood with a light natural finish and offers roomy shelves framed by slatted sides and an open back. All pieces are hinged, so it's easy to fold out in its current home, then fold back in for flat storage. Want even more flexibility Add Winsome Wood's other foldable pieces from kitchen carts to desks to wine tables. It's like origami for your decor. This shelf measures 26 inches wide by 12 inches deep by 42inches high.

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