TravelChair Slacker Chair, Black

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Brand TravelChair
Model 1389VBK
Color Black

  • Reinforced throughout - Nail Head/ 600D Rip Stop Poly
  • Sturdy and durable supports up to 275 pounds
  • Portable tripod stool folds to the size of a rolled-up newspaper
  • Easy to carry integrated Velcro strap closure
  • Lightweight and small weighs 2.2 lbs.

  • The TravelChair Slacker tripod stool is a lightweight camp chair that folds down small, is easy to set up, and is the perfect blend between comfortable, portable and durable. Perfect for camping, a day at the beach, an outdoor concert, fishing, hunting, golfing, or to keep in your car just-in-case, the Slacker weighs only 1.9 lbs. but can hold up to 275 lbs weight capacity. Designed for ease in traveling, the Slacker chair is no bigger than a rolled-up newspaper when folded and secured with its integral Velcro strap. Its frame is constructed from extra-heavy tubing for less flexing, and is coated in an exterior, rust-resistant powder. The double-coated PU-backed polyester fabric will not fade or degrade in the sun and is stretch, tear, and abrasion resistant. The fabric also distributes weight evenly, making sitting on this folding travel chair quite comfortable. This stool has high-quality nylon connectors and rivets that fit perfectly and will not move around. The Slacker features oversized, nylon feet to prevent the chair from sinking into sand or other soft surfaces. Available in a variety of colors, the Slacker is lab tested to ensure its strength and durability. The TravelChair Company cares about making a chair that is strong, durable, and convenient for your on-the-go lifestyle.

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