Pangean Glider/Sling Chair by Byer of Maine,Hardwood Keruing Wood, Hand-Dipped Oil Finish, Easy to Fold and Carry, Perfect for Camping and Tailgating,Matching Furniture Forest Green 38"D X 25"W X 39"H

Byer of Maine
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  • As part of Byer of Maine's Pangean line, this glider will match any of the chairs and tables from the same collection
  • Crafted from renewable hardwood Keruing wood, it has been dipped in oil for an extra protective finish and covered with an attractive heavy-weight dark green polyester canvas.
  • Dimensions are 38"D X 25"W X 39"H, and holds up to 250lbs.
  • Simple and attractive, this Glider is ideal for your home and to take with you. At 16lbs, it's easy to take with you wherever you need a place to sit--at the park for a picnic, a barbecue, or tailgating. Or just leave it at home where it will add a touch of casual elegance to your patio or deck.
  • This chair does require some assembly, but it is easy and intuitive, and we've included all necessary hardware.

  • Made from keruing hardwood with a rich oil finish, the simple Pangean portable Glider will provide you with a sturdy, reliable place to sit no matter where you need it. The sling chair design makes it easy to fold up and transport wherever you need a place to sit, or store flat and tuck out of the way when you don't. The chair is covered with 100% polyester heavy-weight canvas (duck) that will resist mildewing and mold. The chair itself is crafted using mortise and tenon construction for superior durability. Today we produce these in a small factory in Vietnam with a long established reputation for quality. This glider measures 38"D X 25"W X 39"H, and holds up to 250lbs. Check out our Amazon storefront for more stylish, sturdy Pangean outdoor furniture.
    Brand: Byer of Maine, Model: 240P, Color: Forest Green

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