Frenchi Home Furnishing Kids Coat Rack, Pink

Frenchi Home Furnishing
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  • Teaches the importance of organization
  • Four separate places to hang jackets, backpacks, hats and more
  • For ages 3 - 8 years
  • Pink Color

  • The Clothes Pole is a perfect storage solution for your kid's room. This cloth pole offers 6 hooks allowing your kid to hang backpacks, hats, and jackets. It is available in multiple finishes, letting you choose the one that best suits the existing decor. It will teach your child to keep the room neat and clean at all times. Featuring a pretty look with a gloss finish, this cloth pole can easily blend with any style of home decor. It has a stand at the bottom that offers a strong base to it. The pole can withstand the weight of your kid's heaviest items without a glitch. It requires little assembly, but is easy to set-up.
    Brand: Frenchi Home Furnishing, Model: PLY101, Color: Pink

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