Elegant Home Fashion Anna Linen Cabinet with Drawer and 3-Shelf

Elegant Home Fashion
Out Of Stock


Brand Elegant Home Fashion
Model ELG-5441
Color Oil Oak
Size 65" x 17" x 13.5"

  • Tempered glass enhances the safety MDF shelf construction provides durability
  • Antique Brass finish door hinges, handles gives the piece a classic look
  • Classic metal design, crown molding, and adjustable shelves provide elegant bathroom storage
  • Inner shelves are adjustable, easy storage for tall objects Metal drawer gliders provide ease of open/close operation
  • Assembly instructions offered in three languages: English, Spanish & French with a clear diagram style

  • Anna Linen Tower Storage Cabinet in an espresso finish with crown molding on the top combines a traditional style and storage for any bathroom. Its design offers plenty of storage with one door and one drawer with adjustable shelves and two open shelves making it easy to store items of different heights. The metal glider drawer allows for easy open and close operation. The tempered glass-paneled doors provides a clear view into the cabinet, and features a metal handle for easy opening. This sturdy cabinet comes with assembly hardware.

    Custom Tab 01

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