Corsair CF-9010011 WW T1 Race Gaming Chair Racing Design, Black/Black

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Brand Corsair
Model CF-9010011
Color Black/Black

  • Steel Seat and Back frame: solid Steel Construction enables you to plant yourself and ensures sturdiness for years to come.
  • 4D-movement armrests: Raise or lower the Height of the armrests, move them left or right, forwards or backwards, or swivel them to your desired location.
  • Nylon caster wheels: heavy duty wheels stay-put when you're gaming, provide stability on all surfaces, but also glide when you Need to shift your position.
  • Height adjustable seating: Raise or lower the Seat Height effortlessly, and stay there with a Steel Construction gas lift.
  • Reclining Seat Back: Recline the Back of your chair to get the most comfortable position possible, with massive adjustability between 90 to 180° range.

  • The Corsair T1 race delivers racing inspired design and comfort, combined with the highest quality materials for a professional Gaming experience. Featuring a steel seat and back frame to ensure a lifetime of sturdiness, while the 4d-movement armrests, reclining seat back and tilt functionality provides unrivaled control. Nylon caster wheels ensure stability and traction on every surface. Height adjustment is powered by a steel construction gas lift. Recline with massive adjustability range between 90 to 180°, and tilt up for up to an additional 10°. adjustable neck and lumbar pillows, wrapped in soft microfiber fabric and reinforced with automotive stitching, is designed to give the most important areas of your body the utmost support.

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