American Plastic Toys My First Climber

American Plastic Toys
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  • Climbing wall with rungs
  • Platform to stand and sit on
  • Slide to slide back down to the ground

  • When you're two to five years old, few things are more exhilarating than the American Plastic Toys My First Climber. Take two steps up the ladder, prepare yourself at the platform, and slide to your heart's content. About American Plastic Toys Since 1962, American Plastic Toys has proudly manufactured safe toys in the United States. The company's product line includes more than 125 different items, ranging from sand pails and sleds to wagons and play kitchens. Most of the components in American Plastic Toys products are molded in the company's own plants or purchased from U.S. companies. Toys with imported components (mostly sound components and fasteners - no painted components) represent only 25 percent of the entire product line. Every American Plastic Toys product is tested by at least one independent U.S. safety-testing lab to ensure that it complies with applicable safety standards. Indoor/outdoor climber slide for 2 children. Accommodates up to 84 total pounds. Plastic construction. Recommended for ages 2 to 5. Dimensions: 47L x 28.5W x 28.5H in..
    Brand: American Plastic Toys, Model: 97600, Color: Multi-color, Size: 5 ft or less

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